Who has Nina Agdal dated before engagement with Logan Paul? Looking into her dating history before D

Publish date: 2024-05-11

Logan Paul's fiancee Nina Agdal has recently been in the headlines as Dillon Danis digs up her dating history. Danis is scheduled to fight Paul in a boxing match in Manchester this October.

'El Jefe' recently went below the belt while trash-talking Paul, bringing up Agdal's previous relationship with Leonardo DiCaprio. Before Danis does further digging, let's take a look at the men Nina Agdal has dated before.

Nina Agdal's dating history

Adam Levine

Nina Agdal was reportedly in a brief relationship with Maroon 5 lead vocalist Adam Levine. The Danish model was spotted with Levine in Los Cabos, Mexico, in June after the singer broke up with Namibian model Behati Prinsloo. Their fling ended soon as Levine decided to get back with Behati and get married soon after.

Joe Jonas

While not much is known about their relationship, Agdal was spotted with Joe Jonas in Miami in 2012. Jo-bro was also rumored to be dating Agdal and was seen hanging out with the former Sports Illustrated pin-up's friends.

Max George

Lead vocalist of the boy band The Wanted, Max George dated Nina Agdal for a few months in 2013 before splitting up in early 2014. As per the Daily Mail's sources, the pair had slightly drifted apart and wanted different things in life.

George had previously stated that Agdal was a close friend and they had been talking for six months before getting together. The news of their break up unfortunately came around the same time that George's band 'The Wanted' split up.

Agdal was seen partying with Leonardo DiCaprio after a Super Bowl game around the same time that news of the breakup broke.

Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio and Agdal dated for a year before amicably breaking up in 2017. The couple mostly stayed out of the limelight although they were seen partying in exotic locations like Malibu, Ibiza, and the Bahamas.

Jack Brinkley Cook

Nina Agdal dated former supermodel Christie Brinkley's son Jack Brinkley Cook from 2017-2021. While not much else is known about the relationship, Agdal and Cook unfollowed each other on Instagram following their breakup and the Danish model also removed pictures with her ex.

Logan Paul

Logan Paul and Agdal were seen kissing outside a London restaurant in May 2022, sparking dating rumors for the first time. The pair made their relationship public in December and got engaged last month.

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