What Is the NYE "Grapes Under Table" TikTok Trend?

Publish date: 2024-05-02

New Year's Eve may have a newly popular ritual as the 'grapes under table' trend gains popularity on TikTok and other social media.

New Year's Eve is a wonderful opportunity to spend time with friends, remember the year you had, and think about what you'd like to do differently in 2023. Some people also have rituals associated with the holiday, whether those are family traditions or even something they picked up online.

Recently, some people have been considering a new tradition that they learned about on TikTok, and involves eating some grapes under a table on New Year's Eve.

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What is the "grapes under table" TikTok trend?

"Grapes under table" is a trend that has been circulating on TikTok in recent days. In a video posted by user @vaatslaya.c, she explains how to take part in the trend step by step. The ritual, which has been a part of some Latinx traditions for years, involves sitting under a table and eating 12 grapes as the clock hits midnight. The grapes represent each month of the past year, and the tradition is meant to bring good luck in the year ahead.

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The trend also requires the person performing it to be dressed in red and wearing red lipstick before they head under the table to make their wishes.

That video's existence should hopefully resolve a lot of the questions that many TikTok users had about the trend, which was circulating as a hashtag for many users without offering much clarity on exactly what the trend actually is.

Eating 12 grapes under the table on NYE right when midnight strikes is said to bring luck in love and relationships. If you manage to eat the 12 grapes in time, you'll have a prosperous and very lucky year.

— morena 🤎 (@fromNYwithluv) December 26, 2022

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TikTok users are reacting to the grapes trend.

Some users who have discovered how to do the trend are making a little bit of fun of it online, even as others seem prepared to take part themselves.

"The girl you end up marrying is planning on eating grapes under a table on NYE," one person wrote on Twitter.

Others have combined the grapes trend with other trends circulating on TikTok, suggesting how impossible it is to do all the trends in the span of a single minute.

"So we gotta eat 12 grapes and makes a wish for each grape, run out the door with a suitcase, wear red drawls, hold money, AND sit under the table — all in the first 60 seconds of the new year?" another person wrote.

"IDK about y’all but I'm eating my 12 grapes under my table on new years," a third person added.

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Like much of what's on TikTok, the "grapes under table" trend seems to have divided users into camps of people who want to try it and camps who think the whole thing is absurd. It's a pretty harmless trend, though, and one that seems to have gained pretty widespread interest across the platform.

If you don't want to take part in the trend yourself, you shouldn't judge those who do too harshly. Traditions aren't always the most logical, and they don't need to be. People do seemingly ridiculous things all the time for fun or because they mean something to the people performing them. As long as no one gets hurt, there's no harm done.
