The Urban Dictionary Definition of 30 Celebrities

Publish date: 2024-04-28

Jennifer Aniston

Urban Dictionary is a fun website on which you can go search for names and definitions of things you want to see defined using urban slang. It’s a great site people use to entertain themselves or their friends, and the answers you will get looking up some of these definitions will certainly make you laugh. Some are true and some are not, but it all depends on the way in which you look at certain people and certain situations. Here is a list of 30 popular celebrities and what their names mean on Urban Dictionary.

Jennifer Aniston

According to Urban Dictionary, she’s totally over-rated as an actress. She’s played the same character since she became famous on FRIENDS, and everything she’s done in the movies has been just another spin-off of her FRIENDS character, Rachel. She also has a bad habit of not always wearing undergarments beneath her shirts, and that’s something people know her well for.

Angelina Jolie

She’s gorgeous, beautiful, amazing, wonderful and has completely to-die-for lips that we assume are natural. Additionally, she’s also kind and she’s so good to the world adopting children all over the place, working as a philanthropist for so many charities and treating people so well. Except for that whole stealing Jennifer Aniston’s husband thing; but that was a whole decade ago.

Jennifer Lawrence

She’s Katniss Everdeen, and no one ever cares to know her as anything but her character from The Hunger Games. Oh, she’s also super amazing, funny, down-to-earth and totally relatable. Essentially, people love and adore Jennifer Lawrence and wish they could be her friend in real life because she’s so hilarious and normal despite being so famous.

Taylor Swift

A pop singer with a voice that’s not all that amazing, a face that still looks 15 and a personality that really needs to grow up and stop dating every single boy in Hollywood. Also, she has a bad habit about writing songs about people she’s broken up with, and it’s not fair to them. Essentially, she’s an over-rated pop star who needs to get lost now that her 15 minutes of fame are over and she’s not actually a country singer because her music is not country (this is Urban Dictionary speaking; not me. I love her.)

Barak Obama

A less pale Jimmy Carter. He’s a man who is working through his second term of presidency. While he manages to make the entire world feel all kinds of excited and wonderful and happy about all the great things he wants to do, he doesn’t actually do them. He’s got a lot of ideas, he just seems to have forgotten he actually has to implement them at some point in his career.

George Clooney

The only actor in the entire history of the world and of acting that has never been made fun of. Really, no one makes fun of George Clooney. He’s too perfect. Everything he does is splendid and amazing and wonderful. Every movie he makes is perfect. He is perfect.  He is George Clooney.


The most beautiful and amazing person on the planet. She can, after all, freeze anything she wants and give you a white Christmas in July if that’s what you really want. Though scientists are doing some work to see if she’s really real, because it seems that she’s not really real. Of course, we won’t know if she’s real until we have some scientists proving it.

Ben Affleck

Disposable in every sense of the word. Other than have a bunch of kids with Jennifer Garner and create the name Bennifer with Jennifer Lopez, he’s done nothing since winning his Academy Award forever ago for Good Will Hunting. Well, he is besties with Matt Damon, who is significantly cooler and less annoying.

Tim Tebow

The best football player in the history of Florida football, and of college football. He rallied his team for two national championship titles at the University of Florida and he was the best leader that the school has ever seen. Hopefully he will eventually return to the school as the head coach and win for dozens of years in a row so that people that aren’t Florida fans will finally understand his amazingness.

Michael Strahan

Michael Strahan

The former NFL player that everyone loves and no one wants to mess with. He’s besties with Kelly Ripa now that they have their talk show together, and people love him. He’s especially well-known for the large gap between his front two teeth, and his desire to never get them fixed because they just don’t bother him at all.

Kelly Ripa

Kelly Ripa is a verb. It means to intentionally give someone the wrong idea or to mislead them in some way, shape or form for reasons that are not very nice. If you’d like to use it in a sentence, you would say, “She’s such a liar. She totally Kelly Ripa’d me,” and that’s what it means.

Ellen DeGeneres

A woman who is not only funny and completely hilarious, but she also loves to dance. To use this name in a sentence, one would say, “I love Ellen Degeneres.” She’s totally cool, and she has the best talk show ever. She’s one of the funniest people on television and she should have more time on television. An hour a day is just not enough time.

Brad Pitt

A gorgeous man who never ages or ever looks bad. Even when he has loads of facial hair that doesn’t look anything even remotely close to attractive, he is gorgeous and completely attractive. No matter what he does, people will love him forever, even though he cheated on his wife, left her, had kids with another woman and only just married her this year.

Justin Timberlake

The lighter version of Usher. What does this mean? This means that he’s an amazing dancer and someone who can sing just about anything. So essentially, he is the lighter version of Usher. Honestly, there’s nothing about that you can get mad at; we love Usher.


The greatest and most genius rapper of all time. Even though he has gone a bit commercial with some of his music since he became a famous rapper, he’s still one of the best. He’s also the most famous man in the music industry, and you can’t argue with that. He’s famous, his wife is famous and they have a famous kid. That’s real stuff right there.


Bootylicious; she’s gorgeous, amazing and insanely talented. She’s also great dancer and a great entertainer. She also gets a ton of props because she is able to act and sing and be married to one of the most famous rappers in the world and still keep her private life private. That’s a pretty impressive feat if ever there was one.

Kanye West

An animal that lives beneath the water, is caught on a pole and smells really, really bad when it dies. He’s a fish. And he’s not a talented one. Most people don’t like him. He’s not that talented, he’s not that nice and he’s got a big ego for someone who can’t even perform like a real man.

Kim Kardashian

Someone famous for her big body parts. No, really? What is she famous for? She’s famous for being famous and for having a big behind, which is what people love about her. Of course, now she’s famous for having a reality television show, for being married for 72 days and for having the great misfortune to be married to Kanye West.

Prince William

The guy who isn’t as good looking as he should be to have a wife as hot as his, but he does seem to have a good personality and be a good guy, so it can be overlooked that he’s not super amazing and that he’s still someone that can be considered a marginal hottie.

Roger Goodell at the NFL

Roger Goodell

The commissioner of the NFL that many people seem not to like all too much. They believe that his rules aren’t that effective or good, and people are very disappointed in his way of handling situation such as the one that Ray Rice got into after beating up his then-fiance, now-wife in the elevator of an Atlantic City hotel and being caught on camera.

Kobe Bryant

A basketball player that’s exceptionally talented and good at holding onto the ball. He’s driven off some of the best players in the history of the game for his bad habit of wanting to hold onto the ball and not play nice by sharing. Apparently his family never taught him that sharing is caring and that it’s nice to share and not be selfish.

Tiger Woods

The act of being beat up by your wife when she finds out you did something not so nice to her. This is preferably done with a set of golf clubs and a Cadillac Escalade to make it a really good fight. To use this in a sentence one would say, “He was totally Tiger Woods’d.”

Meryl Streep

The best actress in Hollywood ever is Meryl Streep. To use this in a sentence, you would say, “I’m going to move to Hollywood and become a total Meryl Streep.” Please note that you will not become Meryl Streep, because there is only one Meryl Streep and no one alive today will ever be better than Meryl Streep. However, it is a nice thought to want to be the Meryl Streep of your craft. It says you have lofty goals and ambitions.

Kate Middleton

The woman who does not seem to know when it’s time to stop waiting. Though it could arguably be said that she waited just long enough considering she is no longer the “Off-again” girlfriend of Price William. She is now his wife and the mother of his son, and the soon-to-be mother of his second child. All good things come to those who wait.

Gwyneth Paltrow

She’s pretty, but not amazing. She has an Oscar, but no one knows why. She dates a lot – even though she’s married. She decided that naming her kid Apple would be an awesome idea, but it wasn’t. She’s in more bad movies than she is good movies, so it’s unclear how it is she is still managing to find roles in Hollywood. Or maybe that’s the reason she started her own lifestyle website.

Miley Cyrus

A singer – if you can call it that – who has really bad hair and a really bad attitude and no actual redeemable qualities. She was Hannah Montana for a long time, but no one liked her as that so now they seem to like her as a singer with a weird fetish for being dressed like an infant in a onesie. It’s weird. The whole thing is weird.

Oprah Winfrey

A woman who talks to people as she would expect people to talk to her. For example, she is known for using a different dialect when speaking to her African-American guests than she is to her Caucasian-American guests. She’s also someone who really loves money, but probably doesn’t love Stedman quite as much. She does continue to make more money, but she stopped going any further with him decades ago.

Adam Levine

Most attractive man on the planet. It’s debatable considering not everyone is into thin men with lots of tattoos, but he’s certainly not ugly. He also sings for some band and turns his chair on some television show, but no one is sure about either one since they’re too busy wiping up their drool to actually pay attention to, or notice, the names of anything else that he really does.

Carrie Underwood

American Idol winner from a decade ago with a great, powerful voice and a personality people seem to like. She’s lost some weight since becoming famous and people seem to like her even more know that she’s thin, but she is pregnant at the moment so it’s unclear whether or not she will remain thin or not.

Ryan Gosling  

Essentially, this means total hotness on an overloaded form. It doesn’t get better than this. This is it. This is the epitome of what all men should look like, sound like and be like. Of course, that’s the Urban Dictionary definition. He’s a great looking guy, sure, but there are probably other great looking guys in the world as well. He just seems to be the mold for which all women would like their men to be created (except for fans of the previously mentioned Adam Levine, who feel the same way about him).

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