Texas Man Everett Copelin III Threatened to Kill Young Black Men, Shoot Mexicans, Feds Say

Publish date: 2024-05-11

A Texas man faces federal charges after allegedly making a slew of wild threats online—including that he would go “kamikaze” on law enforcement and kill young Black men in relationships with white women. Everett Wayne “Rhett” Copelin III, 40, was charged with interstate threats and threatening a federal officer after posting several disturbing messages on the social media platform Gab since August, the U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Texas said. He was arrested on Thursday with a 9mm pistol and three loaded magazines in his vehicle. Prosecutors allege that under the name “Alpha Top Dog Pure Blood,” Copelin posted threats against his targets, including “police officers, government officials, Black people, immigrants, [and] Jews” since Aug. 21. Those threats, according to a press release announcing the charges, included claims he would “blow up” IRS agents, “shoot Mexicans'” he did not believe should be in the U.S., “hang supporters of a Texas gubernatorial candidate,” and “blow the FEDS away.” Copelin also posted a call for “all strong abled white alpha men with sniper rifles” to help enforce the law, “because the government is corrupt.”

Read it at Department of Justice
