NFL fans slam Mark Wahlberg over viral appearance on ManningCast
Having a guest like Mark Wahlberg on Monday Night Football with Peyton and Eli should be enough to excite NFL fans. After all, he has proven his acting prowess through movies like Father Stu, The Other Guys, and the 79th Academy Awards Best Picture winner The Departed.
Unfortunately, he did not bring the same energy during his appearance on the Week 11 ManningCast. Football fans noticed his unenthusiastic demeanor and criticized him for looking awkward alongside energetic brothers Eli and Peyton Manning.

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Wahlberg is one of the three ManningCast guests for Week 11 of the 2023 NFL season. He was featured during the massive Super Bowl LVII rematch between the Philadelphia Eagles and the Kansas City Chiefs.
However, football fans on social media quickly noticed Wahlberg’s “enthusiasm” for conversing with Peyton and Eli Manning. With Mark Wahlberg getting viral for the wrong reasons, a football fan tweeted:
“So let’s just say it, we’ve all read It for years, #markwahlberg is an AHole . Total fking jerk #ManningCast #PeytonandEli #Eli #Peyton #MNF”Another Monday Night Football spectator commented about Wahlberg being the worst guest.
Here are other reactions to Mark Wahlberg’s low-energy MNF appearance.
As the last comment revealed, former NFL quarterback Michael Vick also appeared in this week’s ManningCast. Iowa point guard Caitlin Clark also had a chat with the Manning brothers.
Wahlberg is an odd choice as a guest for a game between the Philadelphia Eagles and the Kansas City Chiefs. However, he did play as former Eagles wide receiver Vince Papale in the 2006 biographical film Invincible.
Mark Wahlberg’s favorite NFL team is struggling
Ironically, Wahlberg, a Boston native and a devoted New England Patriots supporter, had a segment with Eli Manning. After all, the younger Manning and the New York Giants defeated the Patriots in two Super Bowls.
Unfortunately, the Patriots’ current condition won’t make Wahlberg smile. They are at 2-8 after dropping their third straight loss after a surprising Week 7 win over the Buffalo Bills.
As a consolation, the Patriots' defense limited the Indianapolis Colts to 10 points in their Week 10 matchup held in Frankfurt, Germany. Unfortunately, the AFC East squad mustered only six points to absorb a third straight loss.
Mac Jones finished that game with 15 completions for 170 yards and an interception. New England failed to score a touchdown despite having more yards (362–264) than Indianapolis. Wahlberg and the Patriots supporters hope their team will perform better after their Week 11 bye.
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