Lori Loughlin Is Terrified Shell Catch COVID-19 While In Prison

Lori Loughlin is scared she might catch COVID-19 during her time in prison following her guilty plea earlier this year. A new report from Page Six says that Lori, following her admissions of guilt in the college admissions scandal, is scared of the prison conditions when she finally goes away to the big house.
A source who spoke with Us Magazine said that the 55-year-old actress is “scared to death” of catching the coronavirus. Especially since the virus has reportedly spread throughout the prison system in California.
As it was previously reported, Loughlin and her husband, Mossimo Giannulli, 56, will receive their sentences on the 21st of August. Followers of the case know that Lori and Mossimo were accused of paying half a million dollars in bribes in order for Olivia Jade and Isabella Rose to gain acceptance into the University of Southern California.
The pair of sisters were going to get into the school as crew team recruits until the federal government cracked down on all of those involved in the scam. The plea deal means that Lori may give just two months in jail whereas Gianmnulli could get give.
With that said, however, some sources have claimed that the coronavirus could affect their prison sentences. In other words, if the prison systems are fraught with the virus, Lori and Mossimo won’t spend as much time behind bars as they normally would.
Other sources have said that even though Lori and Mossimo are worried about going to prison, they’re just glad to finally be getting it all over with. One insider explained that Lori and Mossimo just want to put it in the past and move on with their lives already.
As most know, Lori and Mossimo have been in the headlines repeatedly over the last year and a half regarding their involvement in the scandal. Other stars involved include Felicity Huffman, who served a very short prison sentence.
The college admissions scandal has been atop the headlines ever since it was revealed. Even Lori’s daughter, the YouTuber, Olivia Jade, took a long time off from her channel.