How to stop being jealous of girlfriend grinding with other guys?

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X WTF did I just read
Sure its fine. As a matter of fact, the next time she does, grab some random girl and get yourself a lap dance, holding her hips and grinding her arse all over you. Toss your head back a bit too. I'm sure she won't mind at all...because you are just having fun, right? Its fun!
Wake up, guy. Not a question of whether you should learn not to be jealous of your girl grinding other boys, but that she is disrespecting the ever living hell out of you. She is basically dry f*cking guys in your face. Fun? Treating your boyfriend like a piece of worthless shit is not what I'd consider fun. I bet your even picking up the tab for that night out, right?
Push her away? You should be throwing her away. Dude, wake the hell up. This is not on you and you sound like a fool right now.
Are you a good man? Do you treat your woman right? Don't answer that. I already know by your question that you are trying to do the right thing. You've just been taught wrong. Don't you think that you are entitled to a modicum of respect, not to be seen as little more then chattel, to be treated with such disrespect as if you don't matter? Is this the relationship you want throughout your life, where you feel sick to your stomach when you look at your woman rather then almost well up with pride when you do?
This is not how it works, my friend. Not at all....and she is not the last woman on earth....and you will never change her.
Drop her in your wake. Tell her to have fun grinding all the guys she wants, that you need to find a woman that will respect you, your relationship.
Get the hell out of that mess. Find a woman of worth. You cannot change anyone or anything. All we can do is to chose wisely.
...and that is 24 years of experience, with the best woman I've ever met, talking to your right now. Trust it, learn it, or continue on as you are. I can only lead that horse to water. Drinking is all on you.