How to make contact with Rift Warden Stellan at Hologram Brazier in Fortnite Chapter 4

Publish date: 2024-05-18

Fortnite update v23.20 dropped today, bringing players a new set of quests to complete and level up across their accounts. The update also brings back Deku's Smash Mythic and a new item called Falcon Scout to make the gameplay more interesting for Loopers.

However, players have been awaiting a major update since Winterfest concluded and were anticipating the arrival of a new set of Oathbound quests that tie into the current Fortnite lore. The medieval season and mysteries surrounding The Ageless and the New Island are key elements to these quests where Loopers can get involved in the storyline and find out more about where the characters are headed.

While in the first part of Oathbound Quests, The Seven's AI AMIE welcomed Loopers on the new island and familiarized them with the new Augmentation system.

The newly released Part 2 brings a new character directly related to The Ageless. The character in question here is his Rift Warden named Stellan, tasked with a crucial mission to set up Rift gates around the island so The Ageless can interact with several other realities.

To kick off the set of Oathbound Quests, the first stage of the challenge requires players to make contact with Stellan at the Hologram Brazier around the map. Here's how you can complete the quest in Fortnite Chapter 4.

Fortnite Oathbound Quest Part 2 Stage 1 guide: Make Contact with Rift Warden Stellan at Hologram Brazier

In the first stage of Part 2 of Oathbound Quests in Fortnite Chapter 4, players are tasked with contacting a new character in the main storyline named Rift Warden Stellan at the Hologram Brazier laid across the island. Upon completion, players will gain 20,000 XP and progress to the next stage of the Oathbound Quests.

To complete Stage 1, follow these steps:

1) Head to the Oathbound Quests Tab to locate the Hologram Brazier on the map

Location of Hologram Brazier on map (Image via Sportskeeda)

Players will need to open their quests tab and locate the Hologram Braziers across the Fortnite map. You can head to any of the marked locations on the map above and find one to complete the quest. However, it is advisable to head to the one near Breakwater Bay, as it will be easier for you to navigate the next stage of the quest.

2) Interact with the Hologram Brazier

Interact with the Hologram Brazier placed in front (Image via Sportskeeda)

Once you land on the marked spot, grab any weapon nearby to defend yourself against opponents. You will then notice a mesh-like structure placed on the ground called a Hologram Brazier. You will need to move closer to it and interact with it.

3) Listen to Stellan for the next stage of Oathbound Quests

Rift Warden Stellan introducing himself to loopers (Image via Sportskeeda)

Once you interact with Brazier, a hologram of Rift Warden Stellan will appear in front of you, addressing you as a Warrior (instead of a Looper) and explaining his task to you.

In the image above, he tells the Loopers that The Ageless Champion has tasked him to create a stable Rift Gate, which will act as a bridge to new realities. Upon completing this quest, you will receive 20,000 XP, after which he will guide you to Stage 2 of the Oathbound quests that will appear on your Fortnite Quest tab.

While there are several Oathbound Quests for players to complete, the XP that they reward the Loopers with is crucial for them to level up faster across their Battle Pass to gain Bonus and Midseason rewards in Fortnite Chapter 4.

The Battle Bus is heading into Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4 soon! Check out the final Fortnite item shop today!

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