How to fix, possible reasons, and more

Publish date: 2024-05-06

Disarming Presence is a Tier 1 DMZ mission from the new Phalanx Faction in Call of Duty: Warzone 2. It involves three different tasks. First, players must get a hold of three ISO Hemlocks and stash them in a Dead Drop. Next, they must kill 10 AI soldiers with an ISO Hemlock. And finally, they must safely exfiltrate from the map to complete the mission.

Although not challenging, a bug is preventing players from completing the mission. Since it involves handling multiple weapons, the game is unable to keep a count of the number of guns you stashed in a Dead Drop as well as the count of enemies you eliminated with the ISO Hemlock.

This prevents players from completing either of the first two tasks. This guide will take a closer look at some of the possible fixes that are known to prevent the problem from occurring.

How to easily fix the Disarming Presence mission bug in Warzone 2 DMZ

The Disarming Presence bug can be a little annoying. No matter how much you try to kill AI soldiers or stash ISO Hemlocks in the Dead Drop, it won't count. As a result, players are stuck, unable to complete one of the first Tier 1 DMZ missions in Warzone 2.

That said, some fixes should completely eliminate the issue, allowing you to complete the mission. These solutions are:

1) Restart the game

If you encountered the glitch, then it is highly recommended to restart the game. This will clear the system's memory from the corrupted data. Quit the game and relaunch it. Head over to the DMZ tab directly from the Call of Duty HQ and drop into the Exclusion Zone to get started on the mission. Restarting your game can also fix numerous other bugs or glitches preventing you from enjoying the title.

2) Play in Solo

If you are jumping into the mission with a squad, the game might also end up counting the progression of all other players. As a result, the system might bug out, preventing you from completing the mission. Hence, if you are facing this bug, playing this mission in Solo mode is advised. Simply head into a DMZ match with the Squad Fill slider turned off, which should help you complete the mission easily.

3) Play on a different map

Disarming Presence doesn't specify a map on which you must complete the mission. However, players tend to prefer Vondel since the AI soldiers here have a higher chance of dropping the ISO Hemlock. If the mission isn't working out for you on Vondel, try Al Mazrah or Ashika Island.

This is all there is to know about fixing the Disarming Presence DMZ mission bug in Warzone 2. If the above solution didn't resolve your problem, it is advised to get in touch with Activision's support team for further assistance. Follow Sportskeeda's Call of Duty section for the latest news about Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2.

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